This project is certainly nothing profound, but after some YouTube inspiration by a few of my favorite channels missglamorazzie and Niomi Smart, I recycled and made something practical for my kitchen!
In our tiny one bedroom apartment, we had a shortage of space in general, but especially storage space (drawers, cabinets). In order to contain all of our stuff, we bought several of these wire shelving units from Target and Walmart so we didn't have piles of junk all over the floor! I had a shelf to hold my most often used cooking materials. Though we have a house with lots of cabinet space now, I'm sticking with this open shelving idea. There are a few reasons that I like open storage:
1. Obviously, it provides extra storage if you're short on cabinets.
2. If you are short on furniture, which we are in our three bedroom house, this shelving fills empty space on the walls.
3. If you are short on decor, it provides some visual interest. I use a lot of practical things in my kitchen as decor, such as coffee cups.
4. It's super easy to look at a shelf and grab what you need, rather than rummaging through many different cabinets until you can find what you're looking for.
My containers:
- I have a set of three canisters that we got as a wedding gift. I have regular flour, sugar, and self-rising flour in those. (On a side note, we received several sets of canisters for our wedding. I guess it wasn't taking it off our registry when people purchased them. We returned all but one set, but I really wish we kept more of them! I definitely would have used them.)
- I have brown sugar and macaroni noodles in canning jars that used to contain green beans canned by my mama and Nannie.
- Corn meal is kept in an old spaghetti sauce jar.
- Powdered sugar and tea bags are contained in old candle jars. Missglamorazzi taught me that if you put used candles in the freezer, you can break up the remaining wax much more easily and it will come right out!
As I collect more jars, I want to transfer other ingredients into them as well.
I found the little tags in a set of scrapbooking materials that I never used. I labeled the back of the tags with the expiration date for the product. They are tied on with pretty white and gold baker's twine that I got in the Target dollar section. I've noticed chalkboard stickers in the dollar section before, which would also make for super cute labels.

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