Saturday, January 24, 2015

Being a summer person during the winter

I'm a summer person through-and-through.  Sunshine and warmth make me happy.  Don't get me started on how happy going to the beach makes me.  Vacations and time off aside, I am in a better mood a whole lot more when the weather is warm.  Even when it's suffocatingly hot.

During December and January, it's dark when I leave for work in the mornings.  It's still dark when I get to school for a couple of those weeks.  Then the sun is down just an hour after I get home. This describes the hardest time of the year for me.  When my time in the sun is limited, I can tell a difference in my mood.  (On a side note, I'm so thankful that the joy we are commanded to have in Christ is a completely separate quality than moods.  Joy is a decision, a choice, and not an uncontrollable emotion!)

There are a few steps I've taken to boost my mood this winter.

1.  Yoga with Adriene

Until a couple of weeks ago, I had really been neglecting exercise of any kind.  Thanks to my friend Anna, I started Adriene's 30 day challenge on YouTube.  I don't have a ton of yoga experience, and the experience I do have is about 5 years in the past.  You certainly don't have to be an expert to keep up with Adriene.  She shows different variations to suit the beginner and the advanced yogi.  She's so laid back and relaxing, and she teaches in a way that doesn't require a lot of fancy equipment.  I don't even use a mat- just my carpet.  If you're looking for a high-calorie burning routine, you'll want to supplement with something else, but yoga is great for strengthening the entire body.  I was amazed that after only 5 days, I could tell a difference in how long I could hold plank!

During a time of year when I don't want to step foot outside unless I absolutely have to, yoga in the comfort of my own home is the perfect solution to getting some exercise and relaxation.

2.  Warm drinks

I always have coffee on school mornings, but I've been making warm drinks in the evenings as well.  Sitting and sipping on a hot drink is relaxing, whether it's hot chocolate, coffee, or tea.  Though it's not the healthiest, I've been on a hot chocolate kick.  I've gotten some delicious varieties as gifts over the holidays!  Sleepytime tea for the Keurig is great for the evening time.

3.  Showers

Sometimes I tend to put off showers, especially on school nights, until right before I go to bed.  Then it feels more like a nuisance that's cutting into my sleep time.  This winter, I've been showering earlier in the evening so I don't feel as rushed.  It's turned into a time for relaxation and warmth, not just something on the to-do list.

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