Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Dreaded Lice Outbreak

It happened this week.  Thirty students among the lower and upper schools were sent home for lice.  Yikes!  I think the teachers get a whole lot more nervous when you mention the "L" word than students do.  Here are a few preventative measures I've learned from our school nurse and other school staff that you can take in your classroom!

To avoid lice yourself:

  • Wear your hair up instead of down.  There's less of a chance it will come in contact with lice.
  • Wear hair products- gel, hairspray, oil, etc.  The lice can't grab onto your hair and stay there as easily.
To prevent them from spreading in your classroom:
  • Don't allow students to share headbands, jackets, hats, or anything that could transport the lice.
  • Spread backpacks out, don't pile them on top of each other.  This is another way they can be transported.
  • In P.E., sanitize all equipment that students share.